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Meditation On Demand

Scroll through videos or directly pick one from the menu below.



From Heavy to Light: Feeling overwhelmed? Stressed? Let go of what’s weighing you down—fears, doubts, uncertainty, expectations, attachments to the past or worries about the future. As you let go and release what’s not serving you, start to embrace a lightness, a feeling of spaciousness, freedom and peace. 5min

From Stress to Peace: Transition from stress to bliss by deepening your breath and shifting your awareness to a place of calm presence. 10min

Body Scan: Release tension in your body and your mind. Let stress melt away as you bring your awareness to your breath and your body. 15min

Connecting to Your True Self: Tune into your authentic self by quieting expectations and external pressures and connecting to your purpose. Set intentions for a joyful energetic body, a reflective alert mind, a loving compassionate heart and a lightness of being. 8min

Embracing Change: Feel inspired to grow, evolve and meet your true potential by letting go of resistance to change. 12min

Prioritizing What’s Really Important: You can’t pour from an empty cup—so before you’re depleted, lean into self care. Fill your cup with a moment of mindfulness, gratitude and some deep breaths that will leave you feeling grounded and motivated to schedule self-care into your days. 10min

From Blah to Awe-Inspired: Get out of your rut, let go of complacency and boredom by shifting your perspective. Learn to use mindfulness to experience the world around you with awe and appreciation. 13min

6 Minutes to Calm: You can’t control what’s happening around you—but you can control how you respond. You can slow your racing heart, quiet your busy mind,  and melt away tension in your body. Deepen your breath and tap into the tranquility within. 6min

Finding Light in the Dark: Enter the winter months with awareness, acceptance and gratitude. You are resilient and have so much light within you. Learn to let it shine, even in the darkest months. 7min

Accepting The Unknown: Replace fear and anxiety about the future with acceptance, possibility and creativity. Trust in the timing of your life, knowing that everything comes to you exactly when you need it--just like your breath that flows naturally in and out of your body. 10min

Loving Kindness: Feel the warmth of love radiate from within you and out toward your loved ones, while increasing your capacity for forgiveness and connection to the world. 10min

Daily Meditation: Start each day with a calm, focused awareness, cultivate gratitude and set your intentions in this practice that you can come back to daily. 9min

Mantra Meditation: Stop racing thoughts, let distractions come and go, and deepen your focus, awareness, and mindfulness in this grounding practice. 8min

Protecting Your Peace: Create healthy boundaries, surround yourself with love, comfort and protection through a mindfulness and visualization practice that will help you fortify and insulate your inner peace. 10min

Peace In The Present: Let go of fear for the future and attachments to the past. Become fully immersed in the present moment, bathing in your senses and becoming one with your breath. 11min

Patience and Presence: Release the weight of deadlines and pressure on yourself and others. You’ll bring your awareness to your senses and your breath in the present moment and learn affirmations to keep you grounded and confident that you are exactly where you are meant to be, right here right now. 15min

6 Mindful Minutes: Find a moment of calm, focused awareness by tuning into your senses and deepening your breath. 6min

Daily Dose Meditation: Feel a sense of calm, presence, relaxation and gratitude in this quick meditation practice you can come back to anytime you need a dose of deep breaths and mindfulness. 5min

Going With The Flow: Allow yourself to flow with your breath, accepting life’s unexpected moments with grace and ease. 8min

Grace & Ease: Learn the art of letting go and allow things to unfold with effortless ease in this meditation that will help you connect with your breath and ground you in the present moment. 9min

5 Minute Meditation: Find a moment of calm, focused awareness by observing and watching your breath. 5min

Peace and Quiet: Enjoy the silence. I’ll guide you into a 10min silent meditation with your breath as the anchor for your awareness. Emerge from your meditation feeling peaceful and calm. 14min

Thriving: Learn to blossom and grow from every experience, no matter how challenging by building your awareness, agency, presence and calm. 11min

From Anxious to Present: Learn and practice how to go from anxious racing thoughts, to grounded present moment awareness using the 54321 technique. 4min

Transcendence: Learn to go beyond the stress and unpredictability of life and instead turn inward, to a safe space within yourself that nothing can touch. 12min

Presence & Purpose: Find meaning and joy in everything you do by tuning into the present moment. Deepen your breath, scan your body and at any given moment know that you are exactly where you’re meant to be and perfect just as you are. 10min

Being vs. Doing: Press pause on the constant thinking and doing. Using a mantra as a vehicle to quiet your mind, feel a deep sense of presence and connection to your authentic self. You are a radiant spiritual being, perfect as you are in the here and now. Be here and shine. 10min

Presence: Tune into all your senses to feel connected to the here and now. In this moment of quiet peace you'll practice sharpening your awareness in the present moment so that you can find more joy, peace and love in all that you do. 8min

Inner Peace: Stop the never-ending searching for peace and happiness in external things and connect to the peace that already exists right inside of you. You'll connect to your breath and your body, quiet your mind and feel the love, joy and peace within. 13min

Morning Meditation: Start your day with the gift of presence. Visualize your ideal day, release attachment to outcomes and find gratitude in this brief practice that you can come back to daily. 8min

Breathing for Peace: Deepen your breath, creating peace within--a peace that can be shared and help create a more peaceful world. 9min

Gratitude Meditation: This powerful practice will bring you into the present moment, connecting you to your body and your breath. Feel a sense of peace and joy that you can take with you wherever you go. 12min

Meditation For Restful Sleep: Feel your body and mind relax with deep breaths, a body scan and guided visualization that will prepare you to drift off to sleep. Before you press play, turn out the lights and curl up under the covers. Then, press play, listen and dream. 10min

Calm in the Chaos: Feel your body and mind relax into the calm that resides deep within you. There's a gap--a space between the chatter in your mind and the restlessness in your body. This is where you will find the inner peace and resiliency inside. 14min

Manifesting Your Desires Series: A five-day series that guides you to identifying what you truly want, releases limiting beliefs, attracts what’s meant for you and makes your dreams come true.

New Beginnings: You always have a chance for a fresh start--with each new day and each new breath. Shift old patterns and create a new beginning by using mindfulness to become aware of what's not serving you and using each new breath as a chance to start fresh. 12min

Rediscover Your Joy: Remember the joy you felt as a child? Rediscover it and feel your inner light shine. You'll leave this practice with a smile on your face you can share with the world! 14min

Mind/Body Reset: Reset your nervous system and access inner peace anytime with this simple breath practice. Your breath will take you to a place of calm, centered peace in minutes. 10min

Healing Meditation: Whether you’re seeking healing on the physical, emotional or spiritual level, you can find a place of comfort and peace by tuning inward. Using the breath and visualization, you’ll begin to heal yourself, let go of what’s no longer serving you and welcome in all that you need to thrive. 12 min

Re-write your Story: Take a moment to pause, breathe, and flip the script on negative self-talk. Replace complaints with gratitude. Breathe out what doesn't serve you and create space for your desires. 10min

Breathing for Balance Series: The breath is a powerful tool. Utilize the following techniques to bring your body-mind into balance.

Daily Meditation

Start each day with a calm, focused awareness, cultivate gratitude and set your intentions in this practice that you can come back to daily.


From Heavy to Light

Feeling overwhelmed? Stressed? Let go of what’s weighing you down—fears, doubts, uncertainty, expectations, attachments to the past or worries about the future. As you let go and release what’s not serving you, start to embrace a lightness, a feeling of spaciousness, freedom and peace.


From Stress to Peace

Transition from stress to bliss by deepening your breath and shifting your awareness to a place of calm presence.



Release tension in your body and your mind. Let stress melt away as you bring your awareness to your breath and your body.


Connecting to Your True Self

Tune into your authentic self by quieting expectations and external pressures and connecting to your purpose. Set intentions for a joyful energetic body, a reflective alert mind, a loving compassionate heart and a lightness of being.


Embracing Change

Feel inspired to grow, evolve and meet your true potential by letting go of resistance to change.


Prioritizing What’s Really Important

You can’t pour from an empty cup—so before you’re depleted, lean into self care. Fill your cup with a moment of mindfulness, gratitude and some deep breaths that will leave you feeling grounded and motivated to schedule self-care into your days. 


From Blah to Awe-Inspired

Get out of your rut, let go of complacency and boredom by shifting your perspective. Learn to use mindfulness to experience the world around you with awe and appreciation.


6 Minutes to Calm

You can’t control what’s happening around you—but you can control how you respond. You can slow your racing heart, quiet your busy mind, and melt away tension in your body. Deepen your breath and tap into the tranquility within.


Finding Light in the Dark

Enter the winter months with awareness, acceptance and gratitude. You are resilient and have so much light within you. Learn to let it shine, even in the darkest months.


Accepting The Unknown

Replace fear and anxiety about the future with acceptance, possibility and creativity. Trust in the timing of your life, knowing that everything comes to you exactly when you need it--just like your breath that flows naturally in and out of your body.


Loving kindness

Feel the warmth of love radiate from within you and out toward your loved ones, while increasing your capacity for forgiveness and connection to the world.


Mantra Meditation

Stop racing thoughts, let distractions come and go, and use the mantra to deepen your focus, awareness, and mindfulness in this grounding practice.


Protecting Your Peace

Create healthy boundaries, surround yourself with love, comfort and protection through a mindfulness and visualization practice that will help you fortify and insulate your inner peace.


Peace In the present

Let go of fear for the future and attachments to the past. Become fully immersed in the present moment, bathing in your senses and becoming one with your breath.


PATIENCE and Presence

Release the weight of deadlines and pressure on yourself and others. You’ll bring your awareness to your senses and your breath in the present moment and learn affirmations to keep you grounded and confident that you are exactly where you are meant to be, right here right now.


6 Mindful Minutes

Find a moment of calm, focused awareness by tuning into your senses and deepening your breath.


Daily dose Meditation

Feel a sense of calm, presence, relaxation and gratitude in this quick meditation practice you can come back to anytime you need a dose of deep breaths and mindfulness.


Going With The Flow

Allow yourself to flow with your breath, accepting life’s unexpected moments with grace and ease.


Grace & Ease

Learn the art of letting go and allow things to unfold with effortless ease in this meditation that will help you connect with your breath and ground you in the present moment.


5 Minute Meditation

Find a moment of calm, focused awareness by observing and watching your breath.


peace and quiet

Enjoy the silence. I’ll guide you into a 10min silent meditation with your breath as the anchor for your awareness. Emerge from your meditation feeling peaceful and calm.



Learn to blossom and grow from every experience, no matter how challenging by building your awareness, agency, presence and calm.


From Anxious to Present

Learn and practice how to go from anxious racing thoughts, to grounded present moment awareness using the 54321 technique.



Learn to go beyond the stress and unpredictability of life and instead turn inward, to a safe space within yourself that nothing can touch.



Find meaning and joy in everything you do by tuning into the present moment. Deepen your breath, scan your body and at any given moment know that you are exactly where you’re meant to be and perfect just as you are.


Being vs. Doing

Press pause on the constant thinking and doing. Using a mantra as a vehicle to quiet your mind, feel a deep sense of presence and connection to your authentic self. You are a radiant spiritual being, perfect as you are in the here and now. Be here and shine. 10min



Tune into all your senses to feel connected to the here and now. In this moment of quiet peace you'll practice sharpening your awareness in the present moment so that you can find more joy, peace and love in all that you do. 8min


Inner PEace

Stop the never-ending searching for peace and happiness in external things and connect to the peace that already exists right inside of you. You'll connect to your breath and your body, quiet your mind and feel the love, joy and peace within. 13min


Morning Meditation

Start your day with the gift of presence. Visualize your ideal day, release attachment to outcomes and find gratitude in this brief practice that you can come back to daily. 8min


Breathing For PEace

Deepen your breath, creating peace within--a peace that can be shared and help create a more peaceful world. 9min


Gratitude Meditation

This powerful practice will bring you into the present moment, connecting you to your body and your breath. Feel a sense of peace and joy that you can take with you wherever you go.


Meditation for restful sleep

Feel your body and mind relax with deep breaths, a body scan and guided visualization that will prepare you to drift off to sleep. Before you press play, turn out the lights and curl up under the covers. Then, press play, listen and dream.


Calm in the chaos

Feel your body and mind relax into the calm that resides deep within you. There's a gap--a space between the chatter in your mind and the restlessness in your body. This is where you will find the inner peace and resiliency inside.


New Beginnings

You always have a chance for a fresh start--with each new day and each new breath. Shift old patterns and create a new beginning by using mindfulness to become aware of what's not serving you and using each new breath as a chance to start fresh.


Rediscover your joy

Remember the joy you felt as a child? Rediscover it and feel your inner light shine. You'll leave this practice with a smile on your face you can share with the world!


MIND/Body reset

Reset your nervous system and access inner peace anytime with this simple breath practice. Your breath will take you to a place of calm, centered peace in minutes.


Healing meditation

Whether you’re seeking healing on the physical, emotional or spiritual level, you can find a place of comfort and peace by tuning inward. Using the breath and visualization, you’ll begin to heal yourself, let go of what’s no longer serving you and welcome in all that you need to thrive.


Re-write your story

Take a moment to pause, breathe, and flip the script on negative self-talk. Replace complaints with gratitude. Breathe out what doesn't serve you and create space for your desires.